It's quite common for women to misdiagnose their skin type: 60-70% believe they have sensitive skin, whereas it's estimated that only 15% have truly sensitive skin.
Often, skin type is determined by the products you use, or else you identify your skin's needs but don't take into consideration how modern living influences the way it behaves. Hormonal changes, diet, extreme weather, stress and external aggressors, such as pollution and smoking, all play a vital role in determining skin type. How skin feels and behaves will change from time to time, with the seasons and as we age.
To identify your skin type, try this simple test. When you wake up, press a tissue into your complexion. If there are no oil markings on the tissue, it is likely that you have dry or dehydrated skin. If there is a minimal amount of oil, you probably have normal skin. If oil appears where the tissue was placed around the nose, chin and forehead, you have oily skin and if there are irregular oil patches, it indicates you have combination skin.
All of us would like to have what is considered normal skin, which has an even tone, smooth texture, feels soft and supple, and usually isn't too oily or too dry or prone to break-outs. Provided you find the appropriate skincare regime, all of us could have near perfect skin. If you have been blessed with a great complexion, look after it.