Due to our hectic lifestyles, it’s sometimes difficult to maintain healthy and glowing skin.
Especially when environment stimulants like sunlight and dust are constantly wreaking havoc on the sensitive areas of your face!
Most of you reading this have probably tried all sorts of creams, treatments and remedies that promise fantastic results…but fall way short in the delivery aspect.
So let us help you out. Here are 3 “secret ingredients” that when combined, can allow you to enjoy radiant skin most women can only dream about.
Best of all, results are almost instant, and you can use this beauty enhancer in the comfort of your home!
Secret Ingredient #1: HMA
Umm…HM what?
Most of you have probably never heard of HMA. It’s understandable. It doesn’t have a cool, sexy and heavily marketable name.
But here’s the important part – HMA is short for Hydration MicroAlgae, and is considered one of nature’s most effective health amplifiers.
Unlike most other micro algae species, HMa does not produce toxins. Instead, it is rich in vitamins B1, B2, B12 and niacin. These unique components protect the skin against various kinds of harmful irritants; including sunlight and dust.
HMA also helps to repair and restore collagen. This has a “bonus effect” of making your skin more supple and fresh.
In other words, HMA is the beauty magnifier you need to maintain your good looks!!
But what if we combine HMA with 2 other super skin enhancers? Read on to find out…
Secret Ingredient #2: Moor Clay
Sometimes, the simplest ingredients are the best.
Moor clay has been used for centuries in Central European countries like Austria and Germany to treat skin disorders like psoriasis, and also to prolong youth and beauty.
Legend of its famed beneficial properties have since spread around the globe. Rumor has it that even Cleopatra herself was an avid user of moor clay!
Naturally formed over time and composed of hundreds of herbs, organic compounds and anti-biotics, aesthetic researchers have been studying the rejuvenating qualities of moor clay since the 50s.
Their research has since paved the way for major breakthroughs in the beauty industry.
Some of its potent therapeutic effects include smoothening of fine lines and wrinkles, improvement in skin texture and reduction in skin dryness.
All these benefits, without any artificial add-ons. Moor clay is truly a miracle of nature!
So now that we’ve covered HMa and moor clay, let’s move on to the final ingredient in this age-defying concoction…
Secret Ingredient #3: Shea Butter
Yet another by-product of nature’s wonders!
Shea butter is extracted from the nuts of shea trees found in Africa. For centuries, it has been a prized cosmetic asset due to its high concentration of vitamins and fatty acids, which serve as a wholesome way to moisturize the skin.
When shea butter is applied, the fatty/healthy content like linoleic, oleic, stearic, and palmitic acids are rapidly absorbed by the skin.
They act as “refatting” agents, restoring lipids and creating moisture almost instantly.
Best of all, unlike other similar products, shea butter won’t make the skin oily. That’s because the linoleic and oleic acids balance each other out.
Which means that shea butter provides all the benefits of a moisturizing agent, without any side effects whatsoever!
So when all 3 of these super beauty enhancers are combined, what do you get?
The Eumora 'Miracle' Bar!
The Eumora 'Miracle' Bar is the first in the world to successfully integrate HMA, moor clay and shea butter into a dynamic triumvirate product specially for ladies.
If you’re looking to defy the effects of ageing, and maintain a permanent healthy glow with baby smooth skin, the Eumora 'Miracle' Bar is the only logical choice!